拒签上诉 – AAT



  • 您没有满足之前签证的条款(Visa Conditions)
  • 您没有提供足够的信息/材料以支持您的申请诉求
  • 您没有通过体检或品格要求
  • 您在申请中提供了错误的资料,或作出了虚假的声明(比如,伪造文件或提供误导性信息)
  • 对于学生签证,您想学的课程与您之前的教育背景不相关
  • 没有提供充足的资金证明
  • 对于雇主担保签证,担保您的企业不符合要求,或他们对职位的需求并不真实,或提供的工资水平与市场工资率不符,等等

如果您收到了一封名为”Natural Justice Letter“的信件,请务必在时限内回复。


  • e.g. Melbourne, Australia
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 10 MB.


    如果您的签证申请被拒绝,或者签证被取消,您可以向行政上诉审裁法庭 Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) 寻求帮助,要求对您的签证结果进行复审。


    Administrative Appeals Tribunal – AAT



    • General Division, which reviews decisions relating to:
      • character matters (including section 501 of the Migration Act 1958)
      • citizenship matters; or
      • Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA) matters. 与移民代理注册管理局(OMARA)事务办公室。
    • Migration and Refugee Division (MRD), which reviews decisions relating to most migration and refugee visa refusals (including refusal of sponsorship or nomination) and visa cancellations.
    • Immigration Assessment Authority, an independent office within the AAT’s MRD that reviews fast track reviewable decisions relating to certain Protection visa decisions.

    What will happen after review?

    The review tribunal will make one of the following decisions:


    This is when the AAT  agrees with the department’s decision to cancel or refuse your visa and so the decision that the department has made will stand.

    Set aside:

    the Department’s decision, meaning the AAT has the view that the decision should be changed. The AAT may replace (substitute) the decision with a new decision.


    the Department’s decision, meaning the AAT has the view that the decision must be reconsidered. The department is required to reconsider the application having regard to the directions made by the AAT.

    No jurisdiction: 

    meaning the AAT had no power to review the departments decision.




    Yes, you would generally get a Bridging Visa which will have the carry the same conditions as your previous visa, i.e work or study rights. You will be able to stay in Australia for as long as it takes for the review application to be processed.

    如果 AAT 上诉复审结果失败,我有什么选择?

    如果AAT复审结果为 “Affirm”,即判定您的签证结果为保持不变,您还可以:

    Application to Federal Court: 即向联邦法院申请上诉,如果您认为移民局和AAT在审核您的申请时存在Legal Error。

    Application for Ministerial intervention: 即申请移民部长干预,您可以写信给移民部长请求他个人酌情决定是否给你签证。当然,这需要有一个好的理由。

    Contact us today for a commitment free briefing with our Registered Migration Agents in Melbourne to find more about your visa options.

    Australian Migration Services